====== HEMS Introduction ======
Home Energy Management System (HEMS) is a system for:
* monitoring electricity flows at home (consumption, production and storage),
* control of key consumers,
* optimizing consumption in terms of reducing consumption and using cheaper energy to ensure the same comfort with lower costs.
===== Control system =====
It consists of an advanced HEMS controller ([[en:hiq_hw:hc-iq-hems|HC-IQ-HEMS]]), a suitable power supply ([[en:goflex_hems:hardware:ps-iq|PS-IQ]]), and communication interfaces for meters, and consumer management devices ([[en:goflex_hems:hardware:cad-232-a2-iq|CAD-232-A2-IQ]], [[en:hiq_hw:gw-wn-w|GW-WN-W]] and [[en:hiq_hw:gw-eno-iq|GW-ENO-IQ]]).
===== Sources and consumers measurements =====
The measurement of electrical power and energy is provided by single-phase ([[en:goflex_hems:hardware:pm1-e-d|PM1-E-D]]) and three-phase ([[en:goflex_hems:hardware:pm3-i-d|PM3-I-D]]) meters, which are connected directly to [[en:goflex_hems:hardware:cad-232-a2-iq|CAD-232-A2-IQ]] or via a wireless bridge ([[en:hiq_hw:br-wn-w|BR-WN-W]]) to the HEMS controller.
===== Load managers =====
Are used for control of managed device. Wired load managers (relays, power-relays) are toggling power supply or enabling signal for the operation of the device. They are controlled directly from [[en:hiq_hw:hc-iq-hems|HC-IQ-HEMS]].
HEMS also enables the use of various wireless load management devices:
* Wireless socket [[en:hiq_hw:sc1-wn-f|SC1-WN-F]],
* Wireless relay [[en:hiq_hw:rl1-wn-w|RL1-WN-W]],
* Wireless DIN rail power meter [[en:hiq_hw:pm1-wn-d|PM1-WN-D]] and
* Wireless on wall power meter [[en:hiq_hw:pm1-wn-w|PM1-WN-W]],
which in addition to switching, also measure the consumption of these so there is no need for additional power meter.
===== Control devices =====
Are used for manual control of managed devices. Push-buttons are directly wired to HEMS controller, but also wireless push-buttons ([[en:hiq_hw:pb-eno|PB-ENO]]) are supported.
===== Sensors =====
Sensors captures additional information about controlled devices, which can help optimization of load management.
Supported sensors are:
* Room temperature and humidity sensor ([[en:hiq_hw:ts-h|TS-H]])
* 12 temperature sensors [[en:hiq_hw:s-pt1000|S-PT1000]] connected to [[en:hiq_hw:air-12|AIR-12]]
* Wireless room temperature and humidity sensor ([[en:hiq_hw:tsh-wn-w|TSH-WN-W]])
* Wireless module which allows to connect up to 2 temperature probes and 2 digital signals ([[en:hiq_hw:tdi-wn-w|TDI-WN-W]])
{{ hiq_energy:goflex_hems:hardware:hems_sch.png?nolink |}}